A Shadow Essay by Kathleen Burlumi Art can be messy, gory, turgid or dirty. But as Kurt Schwitters said ; not every discarded bus ticket is interesting, unless transformed through the artists vision and intuition. It is not enough to use ingredients which have fascinating qualities in themselves and employ them only to ‘illustrate’ ideas however relevant or profound these may be. black charging case iphone 6 Anselm Kiefer has hitched himself to the biggest art – philosophical bandwagon in the world. A clever and determined man, he is obviously sensitive to the core of Joseph Beuys’ intense and visionary artistic practise, but he has nevertheless been annihilated rather than inspired by the power of the ‘Master’. Being aware of spiritual, philosophical and ecological debate since the 2nd World War, does not necessarily make one an artist. In Kiefer, a small talent has been stuffed, embroidered, glued, burned and rehashed through heavily conventional means of picture making to the point of stale pretentiousness. M. Kiefer is wearing the King’s raiments, but no blood is flowing through his veins. iphone 8 silicone case rose gold – This is media – hyped art for the hungry, monied masses, impressive and well made, like a Hollywood blockbuster, but leaving no footprints in the soul. Philip Guston created Alchemy with a small black line on paper – Edward Chillida with a block of softly sculpted stone. Richard Serra takes us under timeless compression to the centre of the earth, Mario Merz to the stars, and Gerhard Richter analyses the nature of becoming through doing. Dozens of artists far less known than Kiefer could exemplify magic, revelation and pertinence. shockproof case iphone 8 plus Mr. iphone 7 phone case cactus Kiefer should steer himself back to humility, to the empty spaces, and start his journey all over again. Respectfully Kathleen Burlumi . . . snugg iphone case 7 . Anselm Kiefer. Salt of the Earth 1 giugno – 30 novembre 2011 Fondazione Vedova VENEZIA . . . . . . .