“these kids!” EP1 of discoveries Les Rendez-vous de L.A.M.E. amazonbasics iphone 7 case Portail à Roulettes 66600 Salses le Château Obscurs objets 5 à 14 septembre L.A.M.E. is an artist association in the Languedoc-Roussillon . iphone 6 case white marble This is one of their first Rendez-vous in this new little art space near Perpignan. The organisers of the exhibitions juxtapose different ages, cultures and forms of expression. In this exhibition are works of both, an art teacher and a student confronted: Lora Pevere “Cueillir, dit- elle” : the artist takes the fur lined tea cup by Meret Oppenheim as the starting point for her installation. iphone 7 case unicorn beetle Eric Bidault “Quelqu’un respire” : is a multimedia installation inspired by a texte by Valerie Schlee.
. In the first of this series titled ‘ discoveries’ we feature the 20 year old art student LORA PEVERE from Marseille.
iphone 7 case 32nd Her cheeky idea, covering Meret Oppenheims fury spoon with materials other than fur, left me cold at the first approach of the installation. The piece “déjeuner en fourrure” with its subtle perversity was questioning Picassos sexist remarks and was also one of my favorite artworks when I was an art student! But looking closer at the at least 50 objects suspended before the spectators eyes, each covered with a different material, hard, soft, heavy, feather light, stone, plastics, beer bottle tops, clothes pegs, coins, some even bubbly, arranged as a flying merry-go-round of phallic U.F.O’s, I was seduced by the lightness and playfulness of this most definitely feminine piece of work.